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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  December 9, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PST

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good morning, america. donald trump defends his plan to ban muslims from coming to america speaking directly to barbara walters about the global outcry. >> are you a bigot? >> not at all. probably the least of anybody you've ever met. >> new calls to ban trump in american cities and some countries and claims that his plan is causing threats and attacks against muslims. the childhood friend of that terror couple under suspicion this morning. why he bought those guns for the killers and what his friends say he told them weeks before the attack and the new alert this morning. the search right now for two afghan soldiers missing from an american military base in georgia. chipotle's major new outbreak is growing. 80 college students sickened. that school warns its athletes not to eat there. the fast food chain is searching for answers. the new national warning this morning about the hottest gift of the holiday season.
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this hoverboard going up in flames right in the middle of a crowded mall. >> holy cow. >> what you need to know before you put one under your tree. and good morning, america. boy, that was a scary moment, a mall in suburban seattle. let's take another look. you see the hoverboard go up in flames right there. not the first time this has happened. >> meanwhile, these are selling on ebay every 12 seconds one hoverboard sells. a big alert coming up. >> we'll have that ahead. we begin with donald trump. many continuing to lash out against him. an avalanche of criticism from his own party. want to take a look at some of the republican leaders who have denounced the plan. the gop front-runner sitting down with barbara walters for an exclusive on camera interview and abc's tom llamas starts us off. good morning, tom. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. donald trump says to make
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america great again he has to make america safe again. but there's now bipartisan outrage to his plan. leaders here and abroad saying trump has gone too far. this morning, donald trump pushing forward with his call to ban muslims from coming to america. >> are you a bigot? >> not at all. probably the least of anybody you've ever met. >> reporter: in an exclusive on camera interview with barbara walters, trump explains the idea for the ban is a direct result from the attacks on the world trade center and last week's shooting in san bernardino. >> there are people that have tremendously bad intentions. we have to be tough. we have to be smart and we have to be vigilant. >> reporter: but does that mean being un-american? that's the way the plan is being described by the white house. >> what donald trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president. >> reporter: republican leaders on capitol hill. >> what was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and more importantly it's not what this country stands for.
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>> reporter: democratic front-runner hillary clinton seizing the moment trying to put all the gop candidates under the trump tent. >> they are all driving the exact narrative that jihadists want to advance. that we are at war, not with barbarists, violent murderers but with an entire religion. this is a grave mistake. >> reporter: but trump's fellow candidates are blasting him, as well. >> what he proposed was not well thought out, it was impulsive. he didn't think it through. it violates the constitution and places a religious test and isn't the best way to do it. >> you know how to make america great again, tell donald trump to go to hell. >> reporter: the chairman of the national republican committee saying we need to aggressively take on radical islamic terrorism but not at the expense of our american values. trump says he's the front-runner for a reason. his supporters know exactly what he stands for. >> i like what he had to say about the muslims.
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we got to get control. >> it's a short-term problem that's -- i just think it's going to be good for the safety of the usa. >> and the worst thing that's ever happened to isis, the people in my party fully understand that. they're running against me. for the most part they have no poll numbers. i'm leading by a lot. they get it trying to get publicity for themselves. >> reporter: now leaders from all over the world condemning trump including france and the uk, indonesia, france. we want to show you. it is graphic. one of donald trump's hometown newspapers "the new york daily news" and shows trump with a large sword, his victim, the statue of liberty. the message, trump has declared his own personal jihad on american values. george and robin. >> he is stirring up so much emotion right now. want to bring in matthew dowd our political analyst served as senior adviser to president george w. bush and we heard josh earnest say this disqualifies donald trump from the presidency.
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the question on the table right now does it increase his chances for the nomination? >> i don't -- obviously his voters don't think if you look at the polls in the last few days he's expanding his lead in places like new hampshire and nationally in the course of this. i think donald trump has a better read on the republican electorate and what connects with them emotionally and what they want to hear than any of the other 17 candidates running in the gop field and i think especially in the short term this only solidifies his support in the course of this primary. the question is can he expand beyond about a third of the vote? that's an open question but right now donald trump is the guy to beat in the republican primary. >> you also saw that chorus from the republican establishment taking him on yesterday but trump is holding a real threat over that establishment. the polls show that if he runs as an independent, about 68% of his followers would vote for him as an independent. >> yeah, absolutely. i think what this benefits donald trump for two reasons, george, is first of all when the
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mainstream media and republican establishment attack him, he gains in the polls among his voters and among potential voters in the primary but i think the idea that he can keep an option out there open and to run as an independent i think empowers him in the course of this. the interesting thing, george, is the guy most likely to not run as an independent in the course of this race is donald trump because right now donald trump is the favorite to win the gop nomination. so the question actually goes to will other candidates run in the course of this as an independent? >> that's one of the questions but what does the republican establishment do in the meantime? you saw hillary clinton try to tar every candidate with the trump brush so how do they sort of immunize themselves against getting that infection? >> i think that's a real -- i mean i think that's a real problem. anybody in the course of this, any gop nominee in the course of this will be affected by this heated rhetoric and the problems that it's creating. i think that's a big problem for the republicans but right now donald trump is the big dog in the race. >> matthew dowd, thanks very much. >> all right, george, we move on
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now to that breaking news, two afghan soldiers in the united states for training missing this morning. this comes, of course, with tensions running high and abc's pierre thomas is in washington with the latest. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, robin. military and law enforcement officials are searching for an afghan air force lieutenant and master sergeant who have been missing from an air force base in georgia for two days. the two were part of a u.s. military training program and were scheduled to graduate next week. the military tells us there is no evidence that they are a threat and some think they may be seeking asylum which was the case last year. at the time three afghan military personnel disappeared from massachusetts and were later found trying to get into canada and sent back home. we don't know why these two trainees in georgia went missing. it's a bit of a mystery but authorities do want to find them. robin. >> all right, pierre, thank you. again, no evidence of them being a threat but do want to find them. >> everyone so scared right now. the latest on the investigation into the san bernardino massacre.
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focus on enrique marquez, the childhood friend and neighbor who bought the rifles the killers used and made some ominous comments to friends weeks before the attacks. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross is tracking the case. brian, the hunt for possible accomplices is pretty intense right now. >> that's true. this morning the fbi, that's a big issue particularly because authorities say syed farook as long as four years ago was trying to hide the fact that he had that friend buy him two high-powered assault rifles. it's one of the many pieces of evidence of how long and well this terror attack was planned. authorities have now put the mother of syed farook, rafia, on the u.s. terror watch list. days after the father, syed sr., was put on the list. she has not spoken publicly about her son but authorities say she was put on the list to make sure she does not try to leave the country. all this as officials continue to investigate who may have helped the terror couple in their attack.
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one week ago today. but as a new photo emerged from inside that conference room, moments before the attack, the presentation of the employee of the year award, authorities say syed farook and tashfeen malik had plenty of help getting their money and their guns all lined up. authorities say 24-year-old enrique marquez, a punk rock fan, convert to islam and close friend of farook has admitted he bought the guns for farook and did so officials say because farook did not want his name to be on file in connection with such serious weapons. that was almost four years ago. >> mrs. marquez -- >> reporter: marquez's mother would not talk about the investigation but on a facebook post the night of the attack marquez wrote i'm very sorry, guys. it was a pleasure. the next day he checked himself into a mental facility. friends believe he may have known something about the plot in advance. >> he says something along the lines of there's a lot of muslims in our own backyard just
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ready to go haywire and attack and we didn't think nothing of it. >> reporter: law enforcement officials tell abc news this morning that even though farook and his wife tried to destroy their cell phones and computers, authorities have now recovered some information including images of other targets the couple might have been planning to attack. robin. >> brian, thank you. for more let's bring in former fbi special agent brad garrett and pick up on what brian was saying about other possible attack points. where do investigators go from there. >> the real key are there other players and are they about to launch an attack? if you think about it, if he's had these weapons for three to four years, that means he's been thinking about this for a period of time. the big concern, is there an attack they can't stop yet. >> having those guns for that amount of time and apparently going to great lengths to hide the ownership. >> exactly. goes to mind-set. goes to he was thinking about doing something years ago but for whatever reason it culminated last week.
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>> marquez, people want to know, are there others out there that could have aided both of them. >> i think it's likely only because to pull off an attack like this, it's maybe even planned for maybe a long time you have to get help. somebody had to teach you to shoot, build pipe bombs, et cetera. >> investigators really want to get at the root of what inspired them or who inspired them. >> exactly because that may lead you to other people. is there an anwar awlaki type person that inspired them out there. >> we'll move on to the problem of anti-muslim attacks on the rise since last week's massacre and there are concerns donald trump's comments could incite more violence. matt gutman is in san bernardino with that part of the story. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, george. a week after the attacks in that conference building behind me, eeveryone is aye afraid. muslim groups are saying they are now the targets of increasing intimidation and
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forcing some people to change the way they dress, even pray. it's being called the biggest spike in anti-islamic incidents since 9/11 and not just rhetoric. in philadelphia surveillance video of a pig's head thrown at a mosque. the fbi now investigating. threatening voice mails left at a mosque in st. louis. >> come my way and i'll [ bleep ] you all. cut your [ bleep ] off. >> reporter: in dallas, i hope you get sprayed with pig's blood, okay. you are just [ bleep ]. >> reporter: this palm beach florida mosque vandalized, windows smashed all triggering fear. >> you feel scared as an american about what's happening in our country but then at the very same time you're afraid for your own life because of, you know, what people are doing in retaliation. >> reporter: the council on american-islamic relations saying the spike follows both the san bernardino rampage and donald trump's calls for a ban on muslim immigration. and here in san bernardino, intimidation. the mosque syed farook attended threatened the night after the rampage and mosque attendance is
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down. one of its members confronted at a memorial. you had been really confronted. >> i mean he was really passionate. he was really angry. >> reporter: some are changing their behavior. >> in a group i wouldn't go alone. i would take two or three guys with me. >> reporter: and even changing their dress. >> amongst the women don't wear hijab anymore. take it off. >> reporter: and the detective who said he would take a bullet before the evacuees is speaking out about that moment. admitting he was also scared but knew people were counting on him. >> i meant what i said. i said it for them just to kind of calm down and relax, that we were going to do everything we can to get them out of that building safely. >> reporter: other hero offices also ferry muslim americans to safety. that gives you a sense of how enmeshed this community is and we saw a sheriff's deputy coming out yesterday. wasn't there to investigate.
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he was there to pray. robin. >> something to keep in mind, matt. thank you. to new problems for chipotle. at least 80 college students in boston fell sick after eating at one of the restaurants. this comes after that e. coli outbreak that sickened dozens across the country and abc's linsey davis is there outside of chipotle in boston. good morning, linsey. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this chipotle location remains closed this morning. the boston health department has said that this is not another outbreak of e. coli but likely norovirus. now, this all started with an e-mail that went out to boston college athletes, do not eat at chipotle. this morning, another blow to the popular fast food chain chipotle. boston college saying 80 of its students sickened after eating at this restaurant in boston this weekend. including half of the basketball team. >> some of them like couldn't get out of bed. >> reporter: health officials in boston say the cause is likely norovirus, a highly contagious virus with symptoms including
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stomach pain, nausea and fevers. >> one of our friends said when she walked out, there were like ten people in the waiting room all buckets just throwing up. >> reporter: this isn't the first concern like this for the loved burrito hot spot. earlier this year 52 people fell ill to an e. coli outbreak and the restaurant closed several stores to discard ingredients before re-opening. chipotle telling abc news we do not have any evidence to suggest this incident is related to the previous e. coli incident. but the chain's latest problems mean more bad news for investors. chipotle's stock, once among the hottest around, plummeting more than 20% since last year. so here's the thing, a chipotle employee was sick while working a shift here late last week but the boston health department says that it's still working definitively to determine the source of the norovirus and, robin, good news here the boston college basketball team is expected to play as usual tonight.
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>> that is good news, linsey, all right, thank you. amy with the morning's other top stories starting with the latest on the paris terror attack. >> that's right. in fact, a major development in that attack investigation, french officials have identified a third gunman who blew himself up at the bataclan theatre as a 23-year-old french citizen who reportedly traveled to syria in 2013 with his brother. breaking news from afghanistan. at least 37 people have been killed after taliban fighters attacked the airport in kandahar in the southern part of that country. dozens of others have been injured and there are reports that hostages have been taken. more details as we get them. back here in this country growing concern about a possible health risk in southern california. experts claim this infrared video shows a cloud of methane lingering over the neighborhood of porter ranch, gas showing up as a purple color leaking from a natural gas plant for weeks forcing hundreds from their home and the city is suing the gas
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company. a hostage standoff unfolded in milwaukee and it was all caught on police camera, officer's body camera. shots were fired in a home where two people were being held. police say as officers moved in, one suspect in the basement then took his own life, another suspect fled. but was later arrested. the hostages thankfully were not injured. and the man who helped start a company famous for its rugged jackets and outdoor gear has died of hypothermia. north face co-founder douglas tompkins' death followed a kayaking accident in patagonia, he was 72. a high-tech face peel may have uncovered a secret hidden by the "mona lisa's" famous grin. a french scientist said he used multispectral light technology to look through every layer of paint applied by leonardo da vinci and claims he has uncovered three paintings beneath "mona lisa" each showing
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a different woman. critics are doubtful but one historian calls the development jaw dropping. the critics are saying those other paintings were earlier drafts but the man who spent a decade on this said they are different women with different expressions looking in different directions. >> they look kind of the same there. >> well, this guy says it. >> i know. really all of a sudden you're expert. >> according to my untrained eye. >> ginger, pineapple express. that pipeline of moisture that originates around the waters of hawaii now fueling storm after storm. check out this video. the land side and mud slides covering highway 30 near portland. day after day of record rain and still more to come. flood watches from northern california up the coastal state and wind advisories upwards of 150 miles per hour.
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let's get to the rainy cities. good morning. i am meteorologist mike nicco with the forecast. we are going to be cloudy most of the day with wet weather on the coast. and wet and breezy tomorrow and rain on saturday night into monday morning. temperatures today are low-to-mid 60s if most areas. where the rain is likely in santa rosa north we will have mid-to-upper 50s. check out the rain tonight, it will be mild and low pressure 50s. tomorrow, the commute shows it will be
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>> amy just put on a lotion and it smells so good. >> coming up, hoverboards flying offer the shelves but that big national warning this morning, are they hot but are they too hot? josh duggar's wife anna speaking out opening up about the first time after that scandal. an exclusive on "gma." that scandal. an exclusive on "gma." the easy way or the hard way. you could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or, you could make things easier on yourself. that's right, the quicksilver card from capital one. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. so, let's try this again. what's in your wallet?
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good morning. i'm eric thomas. developing news. orinda police are investigating a home invasion robbery that left a nanny pistol whipped in front of the family's 5-year-old daughter. it happened in el castillo off highway 24. the suspect also took cash, ipads and demanded keys to the
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family's black porsche eyian before taking off. the license plate, 6 vmk 320. a check on the morning commute. here's sue hall. >> a lot of brake lights out there. southbound 101 coming off the golden gate bridge, getting busier here with reports of a stall blocking a lane just past the toll plaza but i'm not seeing a significant slowdown here. elsewhere, over to walnut creek, actually the concord area. debris in lanes, need to shut it down to clear it out. 37 minutes from highway 4 to 24. when we the gets to work by 8:00...ids, and always manages to give them a healthy lunch.
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we're back and tracking fog and it has moved into the inland east bays as we talked about, if you were with us earlier this morning. most dominant across the north bay. 400ths inch in petaluma. there is a possibility in the north bay and along the coast down to half moon bay, including san francisco, of wet weather, especially this morning through noon. my accuweather seven-day forecast, tomorrow morning, eric, it is going to be stormy. >>
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hey mom, i could use some basil. oh, sure thing, sweetie. life is eating out of a flower pot. wait where's the? right. it's being a food paparazzi. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet. as it should. and a takeout romantic. dessert! happy anniversary. life is mucho, and grande. life is eating, laughing, loving and a place to enjoy it together.
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♪ tramps like us baby we were born to run ♪ >> our stage manager angie is very happy right now. welcome back. the boss, bruce springsteen in concert. tickets for his concert next year already on sale on some websites for thousands of dollars. we'll hook you up, angie, don't worry but now the new york attorney general is saying, beware, some of those tickets may not even exist yet. the new investigation. >> you got to be careful how we hook angie up. >> a lot more coming up. donald trump is defending his plan to ban muslims from coming to america even as republican leaders and his presidential rivals denounce it, this morning, some american cities and some countries want to ban him. planned parenthood shooter robert dear in court this afternoon facing first degree
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murder charges for killing three at that clinic two weeks ago. also this morning, something called screen deafness. does it seem sometimes people don't hear you if they're like texting or talking? we'll talk about that coming up. right now ginger, i was trying to throw to you. ginger. >> oh, hi. this is what i do over here. >> just an example of screen deafness. we'll get into this very real phenomenon coming up. i think we've all experienced it. >> it's when i get home every day. >> hello, i'm here. >> ginger took one for the team. we don't have to do that on the couch in "the speed feed." >> i'm on the radar. >> thank you, ging. we begin with the latest on the murder of a prominent florida doctor known for her appearances on local television. newly released documents show police believe her husband may have been involved in a plot to have her killed. abc's linzie janis is here with the story. good morning, linzie. >> reporter: right now mark sievers is living in the home
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where his wife was murdered and a judge just ruled that he'll keep custody of their two children, all this despite these allegations he hired a hit man to kill her. this morning, mark sievers is a free man with custody of his two young daughters, even though police believe he was behind the murder of their mother, dr. teresa sievers. in court this week the department of children and families arguing the girls are in impending danger. but the judge disagreeing and rejecting a motion to remove them. the victim's sister telling abc news in a statement that she has been cut off from her two nieces and that the girls were coached by their father to turn against her. this comes just days after the release of police documents including an affidavit alleging sievers orchestrated a plot to kill his wife, a popular florida physician. >> this is not new age. >> reporter: neighbors say they had been living in fear ever
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since the 46-year-old was found bludgeoned to death inside the family home in june. >> there's still a killer on the loose. i live right beside him. i feel that i'm in danger. >> reporter: within weeks of the murder police arresting curtis wainwright and jimmy ray rogers of missouri accusing them of driving to florida to carry out the murder. but according to those newly released documents police allege mark sievers and his old friend wright were involved in the initial planning of the murder saying they communicated in code words and on burner cell phones and that sievers was going to pay wright out of the $4.4 million in life insurance policies he had on his wife. police also alleging the sievers' marriage was on the rocks with evidence of affairs on both sides. the sheriff's office tells abc news they know more than what is in those documents and are still working the case. legal experts say they're likely taking their time in charging sievers to make sure they have enough evidence. george.
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>> i'll bet they will. thanks very much. trouble for a former miss kansas, the beauty queen and outdoor channel host theresa vail could face up to a year in jail for illegally killing a bear. abc's neal karlinsky has the story. >> reporter: theresa vail is no stranger to controversy. the former miss kansas was the first miss america contestant to openly display tattoos. and she had to choose a new skill for the talent competition when they wouldn't let her shoot a bow. but this morning it's a bear hunt in alaska that has vail in hot water. the star of the outdoor channel show "limitless with theresa vail" faces charges for accidentally killing a bear and allegedly trying to cover it up. during a legal hunt, police say vail had permission to shoot one bear but accidentally killed a second one, then tried to falsify what's called a locking tag to make it appear the second bear kill was legal. >> when a guide or assistant guide is involved it's important they operate well within the boundaries of the law. if they operate outside the law
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it undermines the organization. >> michael renfro was one of the guides on the hunt and also has been charged. >> if i could do it over i would do it differently. there was no personal gain to myself or my business. the only gain was hopefully she wouldn't lose her career. >> reporter: the outdoor channel says the hunt in question never aired and they are committed to ethical hunting. vail says she followed poor advice and allowed the second bear to be improperly tagged adding that she reported the incident and has fully cooperated with authorities. i am deeply sorry for my mistakes. arraignment is set for next week. for "good morning america," neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> our thanks to neal. >> now to to duggar family speaking out since being rocked by a series of scandals. including anna whose husband josh is at the center of it all all part of a new tlc special and abc's mara schiavocampo has the exclusive look.
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>> over the past four months has been pretty crazy for my family. >> reporter: this morning new revelations about how the duggar family is coping in the wake of josh duggar's scandals over sexual molestation and infidelity. >> i cried a lot of tears. >> reporter: early this year 27-year-old josh, the oldest of jim bob and michele's 19 kids acknowledging allegations he molested five girls when he was a teenager including four of his sisters. in the wake of the shocking news, tlc canceled their popular show. for months the family presented a united front, sisters jessa and jill two of those who had been molested defending their brother on fox news. >> i do want to speak up in his defense, against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile. >> reporter: but then another bombshell. josh duggar admitting to cheating on his wife after his
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ashley madison membership was revealed during the adultery website's hacking. now for the first time several family members are speaking out and tlc's new three-part special "jill and jessa: counting on." >> you're angry and hurt and like all of those emotions all mixed together. >> reporter: the sisters saying they wished they had known the full story before defending josh publicly. >> it wasn't right for him to let us speak our words without having the full knowledge of what he was hiding. >> reporter: the special also features candid interviews with josh duggar's wife anna speaking out for the first time since her husband admitted cheating on her. >> i'm going to wake up and everything is going to be okay and this really -- this can't be true. >> reporter: the show follows jill and jessa on the next chapters in their lives, jill
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moving to central america. >> are you prepared for the birth? >> jessa starting a family of her own. >> there's still a lot of exciting milestones ahead. >> reporter: one family determined to move forward from a painful past. >> we will come out of this fire, so to speak, stronger as a family unit. >> reporter: the first episode of the three-part special "jill and jessa: counting on" airs sunday on tlc. now josh duggar is reportedly in treatment for sex addiction. we did reach out to josh for the story but he did not have any comment. the family has been through so much but they're stressing this special is about them moving forward in a positive way. new babies. new chatters this their lives. >> they continue to want to share it. >> because they had such a huge fan base. they want people to know they're moving on in positivity in thank you, mara. coming up next on "gma," they're the season's hottest gift but now the new national warning about hoverboards after this one went up in flames at a mall. and breakthrough technology for your pain.
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back now with those new questions about one of the hottest gifts of the holiday season. you see people zipping around on them all the time riding down street, sidewalk, but now there are new fears about what can happen and t.j. holmes is here to tell us about that. we saw you on it earlier. >> hoverboard holmes you can call me. of course, now, look, that's the popular name, the hoverboard, the technical name is the self-balancing electric scooter but some are earning the nickname of hot wheels, numerous reports of these things catching on fire and once you see this latest video it's going to have a lot of people thinking twice about putting one of these things under the tree. overnight crews responding to a fire at a washington state mall. >> holy cow. >> a battery powered hoverboard overheating going up in flames not once but twice. stunning the other shoppers.
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>> they were just staring like what just happened and why did that happen? you know, for no apparent reason it just exploded. >> reporter: this just the latest in a string of incidents where some of the hottest gifts this holiday season are ending up engulfed in smoke. this one caught fire while someone was riding it. >> ma, it's catching on fire. >> reporter: tamara bought one of them for her son. she said they were charging it when they heard two explosions. >> if someone was in the room they would have been hurt. because it exploded. >> reporter: jessica horn says the one she bought was charging before it destroyed part of her louisiana home. >> both wheels it was like a firework. i seen sparks just flying and before i could yell, the house is on fire, it just the middle part of the board that would go in between your feet just, poof. >> reporter: authorities are investigating the cause but now the national association of state fire marshals is issuing an advisory saying these incidents are not unique occurrences and that consumers need to do their homework. >> if you buy these devices make
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sure that they've been tested by a reputable testing firm so be cautious about maybe purchasing them over the internet, purchasing them directly from overseas. >> reporter: all right, a lot of people have concerns so i have one here. this is a swagway. one of the reputable manufacturers. that is key. get one from a reputable manufacturer out here. they should cost from $400 to 1700 bucks. a lot on the internet -- >> that's how you know reputable by price. >> you know by price but there are u.s. manufacturers based here that give warranties of one and two years, many you find online don't have a name brand at all coming from overseas. that cost you 100 bucks, 150 bucks, you should know something is up. >> that bargain is a big red flag. >> a lot are turning to that because it's the holiday season. a lot of manufacturers are sold out. >> it's not a bargain if your christmas tree goes on fire. >> therein lies the issue. >> thanks, t.j. coming up, kate middleton's big tribute to princess diana. next on "gma," something called screen deafness, does it really exist? i say yes.
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we have the science behind why you may have trouble hearing when you're on your phone looking at texts. it's coming up in our "speed feed." ur "speed feed." masthe lindor truffley smooth. ...from the lindt master chocolatiers. hard outer shell...smooth, luscious center. unwrap. unwind. with the lindor truffle from the lindt master chocolatiers. you owned your car you named it brad.s, you loved brad. and then you totaled him.
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you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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i have a resident named joyce, and i said "come to class,bout let's start walking together" and i said "and i bet you money you'll be able to do that senior walk". that day i said "ok it's me and you girl, me and you!" i said "if you need to stop, there's a bench we'll just hang out in the shade." she said "absolutely not! we are going to finish this race!" and we were the last ones in, but you know what? we finished the race. and she goes "desiree, i'll never quit walking. ever"
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so we talked about screen
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deafness when you literally cannot hear when you're looking at it. does that happen to you guys? >> yes. >> there is a medical reason for this. we want you to look at a brain scan doing a computer puzzle. they're not hearing a sound despite having tones pumped in their ears. the red wave you see there shows how high it registers sound when not engaged and then this green line shows what we hear when -- how it drops considerably when we're concentrating on something more complicated. the reason is, guy, that a person's sense of vision and hearing are located in a shared and limited region of the brain called the association cortex. your brain has to choose, it can't multitask. doing both things or getting stimulated both ways it has to pick which one is more valuable. >> can women do it better than men, though. i think they can. >> of course, they can. >> there you go. ey can. >> there you go. here's another great "improve this!" tip from lowe's. from everybody you're smelling
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in your garbage disposal, feed it lemon slices to eliminate unwanted odors. to see more go to on yahoo! to on yahoo!
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a medlewith two sweet ginger ristretto shots of starbucks christmas blend espresso and velvety steamed whole milk. all together in perfect harmony. introducing the holiday spice flat white only at starbucks for the season. but many of us we tdon't know healthy. there are nutrients that can help support our metabolism. take new one a day healthy metabolism support multivitamin with chromium to help use carbs from food and b-vitamins to help convert food to fuel. one a day. toto the nation's capitalut to support an important cause that can change the way you live for years to come. how can you help? by giving a little more, to yourself. i am running for my future. people sometimes forget to help themselves. the cause is retirement, and today thousands of people came to race for retirement and pledge to save an additional one percent of their income.
7:53 am
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7:54 am
i'm watching that. eew. every christmas is memorable. but a gift from kay jewelers... makes it unforgettable. because it's more than a gift. it's a memory she'll wear forever. save 25% on any citizen watch. powered by light - any light. never needs a battery. at kay, the number-one memory-maker in america. every kiss begins with kay. back on "gma" with the storms slamming the west coast the big waves are starting to form and they are going to get even bigger. we're talking 30 plus foot waves that will be blasting the coast in the coming days. all right. all that weather brought to you by kay jeweler's. let's get to your local weather let's get to your local weather right after this. ♪ ♪ discover unexpected treasures, for the people who least expect it. find thoughtful gifts at amazing prices everyday at t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods. find thoughtful gifts at amazing prices everyday my nand i've... seen things. like the sock rampage of 2010.
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the sleep eating of 2012. and the babysitter makeout of 2014. gross. but now with nest cam, these guys can check in 24/7. so they can see the crazy things i see. hey ya little thief! did he have thumbs? okay, now i've seen it all. nest. welcome to the magic of home.
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good morning. i'm eric thomas. developing news out of silicon valley. yahoo! announced it will not spin off its $30 billion stake in the chinese ecommerce giant alibaba. yahoo!'s board of directors plan bes to look at alternatives. the end result, two separate publicly traded companies. check on the forecast now. mike? >> eric, thank you. good morning, everybody. still watching fog across the north bay and highway 4 from concord and you can see light rain and drizzle that's going to be a mainstay along the north bay and down to the coast through san francisco to half bay. low to mid-60s for most. the real deal, tomorrow morning. tomorrow evening. again sunday. sue? >> still with metering lights at the bay bridge toll plaza stacked to the macarthur maze. a muni delay due to a medical
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emergency. and an accident, three vehicles, northbound 101 on the peninsula. eric? >> sue, thank you very much. the news continues now with "good morning america." we will be back with another news update for you in about a half hour. so we'll see you then.
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m., and we have the latest on kim kardashian's health crisis during her pregnancy complicating the birth of little saint. her potentially life-threatening condition that so many other women could suffer from. dr. ashton explains the risk factors live. and breakthrough new technology that could be the end of popping pills for pain. the simple patch that could be the relief for headaches and back pains. kate wearing princess diana's favorite tiara for a flittering reception. the latest picture and how kate is following in diana's footsteps right now. only here live we've got the cold weather tricks to warm up your winter. from a frost-free windshield to making sure your hands are never cold again. there's a hack for that as we
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say -- >> all: good morning, america. can't wait to see those cold weather tricks. our audience could use some of those hand warmers. right about now -- >> it is feeling like december today. because it is december "time" magazine just announced their person of the year and it is the german chancellor angela merkel right there. she beat out the leader of isis and donald trump, and right here this morning, we're revealing "people's" most intriguing list for 2015 only on "gma." >> that's exciting. a holl edition of "improve th this!." we're counting down to christmas with a deck the halls challenge. our diy elves sara haines and rob marciano going head-to-head. rob building a candy cane out of pipes and sara will try to make a mini christmas tree out of traffic cones. ready, guys?
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>> ready, yes. >> three, two, one. deliver. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, we're starting. okay. >> they're going to have a little time to get that done. right now we're going to get the news. amy has the morning rundown. >> good morning, everyone. the big story this morning donald trump standing his ground despite new fallout from his proposal to ban muslims from entering the u.s. trump telling barbara walters, he does not regret his proposal and he says he is not a bigot. despite the firestorm, a new poll from new hampshire showing trump enjoying his biggest lead to date, but the controversy is starting to hit him in the wallet. a retailer in the united arab emirates is pulling trump branded products from its stores and in london more than 100,000 people have already signed a petition to stop trump from entering the uk which means parliament may actually have to debate the issue. the investigation into the san bernardino massacre is now focusing on the childhood friend who bought the rifles used by the killers. authorities say enrique marquez, a convert to islam, has admitted
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buying the guns for syed farook nearly four years ago apparently to prevent a paper trail suggesting farook may have been planning this massacre for years. and friends believe marquez may have known something about the plot in advance, as well. in medical news, the painkiller ibuprofen may be soon available in a patch. researchers say the patch could provide a safer steady dose of relief for up to 12 hours and they say it would be ideal for localized pain like a pulled muscle. it could take two years, however, to hit the market. and now to a consumer alert for music fans, questions are being raised about tickets being sold for bruce springsteen's upcoming tour, and abc's reena ninan has the details. ♪ you can't start a fire >> reporter: whether it's the allure of dancing in the dark with the boss or recapturing those glory days. ♪ in the wink of a young girl's eye ♪ >> reporter: millions are willing to journey to thunder road and beyond for tickets to bruce springsteen's just announced 2016 concert tour.
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tickets already on sale for as much as $6,000 on sites like stubhub, ticket network and vivid seats. even for those willing to take the pricey plug, the new york attorney general says this morning be warned. if you try to buy them you might find yourself -- ♪ going down down down >> reporter: that's because these tickets don't actually exist yet. posted by scalpers trying to lure in devoted fans to tempt them to pay a premium, but turns out even scalpers can't buy tickets until they actually go on sale december 11th. the attorney general alleges they take those regularly priced tickets then try to pass them off as premium tickets to the early buyers pocketing the difference in cost. ♪ >> reporter: adele has also lent her star power to the fight saying on her website the resale of tickets will not be tolerated. for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> all right, reena, thank you for that warning. and as we just heard george
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say, "time" magazine named german chancellor angela merkel its person of the year. "time" says merkel has been tested this year like few other leaders addressing everything from the economy to europe's refugee crisis. and finally, how about a lesson in text message etiquette? well, it turns out ending your text with a period is a real no-no. a new study confirms most people think that the period at the end of a text makes you look insincere and possibly even rude. leave it off, they say, or better yet, end it with an exclamation point. >> ooh. >> here's the study that shows, okay, so you've got the word "fine." so someone asks you to do something, if you have a period it would be like fine. if you had an exclamation, that's fine. >> no, fine is always bad. >> fine is always bad. >> fine on a text you know -- >> it's not fine. >> it's not fine. it's never fine. >> i use exclamation points all the time. >> yeah. >> do i know you? >> i thought we were down on that. we're not supposed -- now i guess -- who knows. >> sorry. >> just wait around. everything comes back around. right? >> fine, amy.
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>> fine, george. fine. >> let's go to lara. >> all right, fine. i'll do the "morning menu." here's what's coming up on "good morning america," kim kardashian's pregnancy health crisis, the condition so many could be suffering from. dr. jennifer ashton is with us live to talk about that. and a new headline about adhd and your kids. what's behind the spike in diagnoses? and kate following in princess diana's footsteps wearing her favorite tiara for the first time ever and we have a brand-new picture. all that and sara haines trying to deck rob's halls. >> help me, lara. >> it's our christmas challenge. can you say it with me, "improve this!" >> "improve this!." >> coming up on "good morning america" in times square. hey, girl, i got you. i got you. >> you're good at this stuff. our clients have relied on us to bring our best thinking to their investments
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so in a variety of market conditions... you can feel confident... our experience. call a t. rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. here in vineland, home of progresso, we figured out how to get rich ingredients like bacon into 22 light soups, so if you want 100 calories or less per serving without giving up rich flavor do what we do...make it progresso.
8:08 am
are those... you there... stormtroopers! halt! turn here. go go! follow them! bb-8! beep, beep! this way! where'd they go? they went that way! that way, they went that way! i can't believe that worked! of course it worked! beep, beep, beep! therbottle of tropicana pure oranges squepremium.o each and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana.
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we put the good in morning. ♪ all right, coming up next on "gma," our deck the halls challenge is heating up in times square. move faster. come on. look at you with the power tools. >> come on. >> will they nail it or fail it? we're going to see. stay with us. nicely done with the glue gun. fs foremost authority on independent measurement. to celebrate, we're gonna cut some prices in half. switch to sprint and save 50% on verizon, at&t or t-mobile rates. no gimmicks. no tricks. it's the biggest offer in u.s. wireless history! what about verizon? 50% off. at&t too? 50% off. even t-mobile? 50% off. plus, we'll even pay your switching fees, up to $650 per line. so switch today. announcement: thisbiggest of the decade.the with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed.
8:10 am
campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. ♪ can i have a little more? ♪ ♪ five, six, seven, eight, ♪ nine, ten, i love you ♪ ♪ sail the ship ♪ chop the tree ♪ skip the rope ♪ look at me
8:11 am
everything cuddl duds for everyone and every home. kohl's. like limiting where you earn bonus cash back.hings. why put up with that? but the quicksilver card from capital one likes to keep it simple. real simple. i'm talking easy like-a- walk-in-the-park, nothing-to-worry-about, man-that-feels-good simple. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. it's a simple question. what's in your wallet? welcome back to "good morning america." we have new details this morning about kim kardashian's health crisis. the mom to newborn baby saint is back home, but she did suffer from a potentially life-threatening and painful condition during the delivery. >> kim. >> reporter: he is the newest member of the extended kardashian clan.
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kim and kanye's baby boy named saint. and this morning new revelations about how he came into the world. during this pregnancy kim reportedly suffered from placenta accreta, the same condition she had when her daughter north was born. >> she did have some issues, and it was an incredibly painful experience, but she had her family by her side and definitely was a comfort to the reality star. >> reporter: placenta accreta occurs when the placenta and its blood vessels grow too deeply into the uterine wall and remain there. for her first pregnancy the placenta had to be removed by the doctor's hands writing in her blog in november, "it was the most painful experience of my life." >> hopefully this is something the doctor can fix and we can just move on from this kind of complicated chapter. >> reporter: before the birth kim expressed her fear of reliving the same experience writing, "there's not a whole lot i can do to prevent it so my anxiety is a little high leading
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up to the delivery." >> kim knew this was going to be an extremely difficult and painful delivery process and she expressed those fears, accepted them and at the end of the day knew it would be all right because as a source tells us she is now overwhelmed but incredibly excited to bring home that baby boy. >> reporter: kim now hoping her experience will help others saying, "all you can do is be hopeful, get the best information out there and just be prepared." so here with me now is abc's chief women's health correspondent dr. jennifer ashton, so what do we know about placenta accreta? >> so let's start with the normal placenta which, by the way, is a fetal organ that provides the nutrients and normally sits inside the uterine cavity and comes out without too much difficulty after delivery. when you have accreta or increta or percreta these are major abnormals in the way the placenta and the blood supply which is massive attaches to the wall of the uterus and in the case of accreta, it can get deeper into the wall.
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increta into the muscle and percreta through the uterus and attaches to the bowel or bladder so this is potentially a catastrophic ob complication. >> wow. how common is it? >> it's only about 1 in 2500 pregnancies but when there are 4 million births every year, you're talking some significant numbers. >> not an exaggeration to say it's potentialally life-threatening. >> it's potentially life-threatening. when we detach it it's not painful if you have an epidural but it can be very dramatic so we have a situation here where we are all hands on deck. this is not a home birth scenario. this is not a midwife delivery scenario. this is an in the operating room with units of blood available, anesthesiologists there, potentially surgical equipment in trays that aren't there for a normal birth because we want to have everything in a row so that if the worst case scenario happens, we can remove the placenta. >> i'm thinking your advice would you if you hear you have this, you need to be in a setting that is safe. >> oh, absolutely. you need a couple of themes,
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trust your obstetrician, that's the most important thing. ask questions. you're never going to ask a question that's stupid and, again, you have to consider the risks versus the benefits because there are two lives at stake. >> so true. so true. two lives at stake. dr. jen ashton will be answering your questions, so post them, please, on her twitter account or our facebook page, george. >> lara, thanks. another headline about health for a lot of families, pretty startling new study for parents with slightly older kids. the number of children diagnosed with adhd is soaring, up 43% in less than a decade. dr. rich besser is here with more on this. so do more kids have adhd or just more getting diagnosed? >> i mean, that's the big question. when they looked across every group, young children, tweens, teens, boys, girls, they saw the numbers going up. the study wasn't designed to figure out why it is going up but there's a number of thoughts. first is in girls we're recognizing they may not be hyperactive but they may still have adhd. also teens can have this. we used to think it was only something in very young children.
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more children with health insurance, so they're getting seen which is a good thing and then in school for special services, sometimes they need to have this label. >> so, what's the tip-off for parents between just regular unruly restless behavior and adhd? >> yeah, i mean, it's normal to not focus and to be out of control. the question is, is it to the point where it's affecting your life in school, your life at home, your ability to make friends? and so there's three behaviors we really look at. the first is inattention, a child who is constantly daydreaming. they can't focus. the second is hyperactivity jumping out of the chair and then impulsivity, they can't stop to think. they'll jump out in the street and interrupt every other child. if those things are really a problem, you really need to take care of that. >> what do you do? >> see your doctor and they'll do an evaluation. it doesn't mean they have adhd. they'll give the child's teacher a questionnaire and do a full evaluation to see if there's a need for therapy. in the right child with getting this diagnosis and treatment, it
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helps self-esteem and can do a lot. >> you'll take questions on twitter and facebook this morning, as well. >> i will. >> to amy. now to duchess kate paying tribute to her late mother-in-law, princess diana. kate wearing her favorite tiara at the royals' biggest bash of the year, and abc's lama hasan has the story. >> reporter: overnight kate turning heads in princess diana's favorite diamond and pearl tiara aptly named the cambridge lover's knot tiara, the duchess wearing it for the first time ever at the queen's diplomatic reception. >> i'm sure she was very proud to be wearing a gift that the queen gave what would have been her mother-in-law on her wedding day. >> reporter: noble nod to the mother-in-law she never got to meet, and suddenly showing how she is following in diana's footsteps. not only is kate wearing diana's engagement ring -- >> it was my way of making sure my mother didn't miss out on today and the excitement and the fact that we're going to spend the rest of our lives together. >> reporter: -- their fashion style cut from the same cloth. the hats, the coats, the elegant gowns bearing a striking
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similarity and dressing the next generation in similar outfits. >> it's difficult for kate to be compared to diana, but it's also very flattering, and she does have that same empathy, especially with children. >> reporter: on the charitable front william and kate taking on the mantel and supporting charities that were close to diana's heart. and harry is in on it too maintaining his mother's legacy with his charity center and working with her land mine charity. >> she played a huge part in my life and harry's growing up in how we saw things and how we experienced things. >> reporter: in a touching tribute to his mother choosing diana as one of princess charlotte's middle names, and on the home front, just as diana tried to do, this couple are raising their children with little fuss and keeping them out of the public eye as much as possible. and i've got breaking news for you this morning. kate has a new much shorter hairdo chopping off four inches
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and, yeah, if you're guessing, she still looks good, amy. >> always. i mean with bangs, shorter hair, it doesn't really matter, lama. thank you so much. robin, over to you. >> all right, amy. it's that time of year again. "people" magazine out with its best of 2015 issue, the magazine is celebrating the year's 25 most intriguing people and "people's" executive editor kate coyne is here with a preview. how do you come up with. >> the editors discuss it as a group but the list is almost self-selecting because these are the people that -- it would be a glaring omission for any of them to not be on this list. the kind of year that amy schumer has had, for instance, i mean it kind of makes it a no-brainer. >> i love to read the letters you all get how you put that in the issue and that can kind of tell you who is really -- >> absolutely. >> what put amy schumer on the cover? >> what a tremendous year. i mean, to write and star in a hit movie that has made billions of dollars worldwide, an hbo
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special, an emmy win and then on the flip side, the activism that she's now embracing in terms of ending gun violence just shows that she's just so incredibly talented, so multifaceted as a performer. there's really nothing not to love there. >> multifaceted. that is the word for her. taraji p. henson, finally, finally cookie, she's getting her due. >> she is getting her due. and, you know, the thing about taraji, people don't seem to recognize, you know, she's an oscar nominee. this is a woman that's been working very hard for a very long time. she is not an overnight success story and so the sort of success she's having now is so deserved, so due to her and, you know, she's just the most fun thing to watch on television. it doesn't get better. >> and she was fun to dress up as cookie for halloween. >> exactly. >> no pictures. we don't need -- >> best halloween costume. >> i tell you what. >> really was. >> leah remini, she was here in
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the studio and has been labeled as a rebel. >> you know, i think the other word is probably a troublemaker which is what she herself calls her book. incredible moxie really to stand up to scientology and not just scientology but to name the names she did in her book. to go ahead and discuss tom cruise, to discuss david miscavige, to really get into the nuts and bolts of scientology and her own shortcomings. one of the names she names the most is her own and discussed what she did, what she did to other people in the name of scientology. >> right. >> incredibly nervy move. >> very bold. >> very bold. very bold. >> someone that is an international phenomenon and we're just finding out about her here, the star of "quantico" on abc, by the way, miss chopra. >> priyanka chopra. so beautiful. so beautiful. >> talented too. >> and, you know, we are so late to the party
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to just be realizing. old-school movie star she is in the sense of her glamour and her beauty and her talent. she's been internationally famous for quite some time now so it's great to see her translating over here now. >> right, and also great to see misty copeland. she is getting a lot of love this year and rightfully so. >> rightfully so. that under armour ad, it's so great it was not just a gimmick or a quick little blip but really the beginning of the entire world sitting up and taking notice at misty. >> amy was excited and got tickets to "hamilton." i've seen it twice. the man behind it is just incredible. >> he's an incredible, incredible talent, and i think all you need to know about "hamilton," people are obsessed with a broadway soundtrack. i can't remember the last time that happened. people are listening to the soundtrack even if they haven't seen the show and there is a decent chance many of them haven't because you can't get a ticket. >> lin-manuel miranda. so deserved and one of the composers for "star wars." >> for "star wars." he's not going anywhere. >> before we go, the heroes, the train heroes. >> the american heroes.
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>> we got to get to them. >> anthony, alek and spencer. i mean, they really embody, especially the times that we're living in right now, things can sometimes seem so troubling and you look to them and it's hope and it's courage in the face of darkness. >> wonderful to have you here and you're wearing melissa mccarthy. i love that. >> i am wearing melissa mccarthy pants. can everyone just, please, these are from the melissa mccarthy collection and all sizes. >> way to go, kate. all right. "people's" best of 2015 issue hits newsstands on friday. let's go outside now to ginger. >> all right, robin. i want to introduce everybody on this beautiful wednesday morning to ginger j., she said ginger z. i'm ginger j. you don't meet many gingers that aren't horses or dogs. right? like humans. >> exactly. >> very nice to meet you. how about we look at the forecast. we were talking about wisconsin, lake superior last year, lake superior this year, mild, and it's staying that way. good morning. i am meteorologist mike nicco
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with the forecast. we are going to be cloudy most of the day with wet weather on the coast. and wet and breezy tomorrow and rain on saturday night into monday morning. temperatures today are low-to-mid 60s if most areas. where the rain is likely in santa rosa north we will have mid-to-upper 50s. check out the rain tonight, it will be mild and low pressure 50s. tomorrow, the commute shows it will be >> and one more introduction. this is jenna from georgia. and she's going to help us toss in to lara for -- >> "pop". >> thanks, jenna from georgia and other ginger. we begin with a "pop news" investigation. if a grueling workout leaves you thirsty for more than water, well, you're not alone. a study from pennsylvania state university, thank you very much. >> alma mater. >> found that people who exercise a lot actually consume more alcohol than their less active peers. they also drink more on days
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that they do tougher workouts. this is apparently because exercise and alcohol both stimulate the brain's reward system. it also explains why this video has gone so viral. and i just want to say to the scientists, you really didn't need to spend money on this study. you could have just studied my tennis team. >> really, do tell. >> a little glass of vino after a winning match never hurt anybody. also in "pop news" this morning -- >> they love this video apparently. >> wait. you cannot cut -- you're cutting part two. okay. for "pop news" today i'm going to finish with this video. it's actually quite appropriate. go ahead, roll it. it's -- yeah. >> ah. >> you guys, that's exactly how i feel today. >> he's back. >> no, it's really -- >> he needs to go on that treadmill. >> come on.
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>> like the dachshund we have at home. >> it's not -- it's not his fault or her fault. >> it's not his or her fault. >> they might be overfeeding her a little bit. >> you know what, after a tough workout, a cocktail never hurts. it's true, robin. just ask the brain trust for my alma mater, penn state university. i don't know how much time we have left. do we have time for another? now i understand that we have time to give you another bit of news. news in "pop news." this -- now they're saying i don't have time. george, will you please do -- >> give this girl a glass of wine. >> after this. >> what a day. >> lara is being punked today. we have some cold weather hacks coming up here on "gma." >> ah.
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good morning. i'm kristen sze. developing news. in orinda, police investigating a robbery that left a nanny pistol whipped in front of the 5-year-old daughter. it happened just off highway 24. the suspect took cash, ipads and demand pd keys to the family's black porsche before taking off. license plate 6vmk-v20. the morning commute, here's sue hall. >> busy out there. good morning. san mateo bridge, westbound direction, towards foster city, bumper to bumper. eastbound direction before 880 an accident blocking lanes. non-commute direction and the peninsula, a couple lanes blocked. right lanes, northbound 101 and an earlier accident at woodside
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road cleared. check out the great change comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause.
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your health. are those... you there... stormtroopers! halt! turn here. go go! follow them! bb-8! beep, beep! this way! where'd they go? they went that way! that way, they went that way! i can't believe that worked! of course it worked! beep, beep, beep! good morning. the fog is lifting everywhere except fairfield. actually thicker. visibility less than a quarter mile. seeing light rain around santa rosa and dips to petaluma from time to time. a look from this area, lower clouds dominating our forecast.
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low to mid-60s, best chance of rain in the north bay probably down to san francisco, maybe ♪own to san francisco, maybe welcome back to "gma." getting a little chilly here in times square. robin, you got sim i ways to stay warm and a nice ride over there. >> yeah, but some of the car is missing, i just noticed that. but winter is coming and there's a hack for that. simple shortcuts for things to make life easier, sara, you'll help us out with this. >> today we're going to give you some tips and tricks to deal with winter weather which is sadly right around the corner. and it's already hitting some of the country but first we've got wayne johnson, now, you cover everything from food to crafts on wayne's weekend blog. >> i do. >> today you've got help with our windshield. >> absolutely. i hate in the morning when you go downstairs and it's iced over and you can't get it open. can't find the tool you used to use and use your credit card. got a really simple solution.
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>> can i help you with that. >> what we'll do, it's four things, squeegee, vinegar, water and a squeeze bottle. three parts vinegar, one part water and squeeze it on there and squish it on there and take your squeegee up and down, back and forth just like that in the morning there's no ice on your windshield. >> do you do it like the morn g morning, the night before. >> if you don't, in the morning you can do it as well -- you're doing a good job. in the morning you can do it to get the ice that's on there. >> apparently i do windows. i do do windows. >> a little streak? >> this is really good. >> now we're here with one of our favorite, you and todd have been united before on an apple hack. >> i know. todd -- like manly man. >> we wanted to give you the guy with the ax. >> oh, great. >> rancher and orchard owner and today you'll show us something with chopping wood about the manliest thing i can think of. >> it's a really great idea.
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you explain why you have a bungee cord around there in there's nothing like a roaring fire. splitting wood is a hassle and not so much the splitting the wood but it goes flying everywhere when you're splitting it. old-timer hack a lot of folks don't know about, wrap a cord of chain and bungee strap around it to hold everything in place. you want to put your chain and bungee strap snug and low -- >> remember that, low. >> i'll swing away. >> back up. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> first split on the far side. >> oh, boy. >> oh, my. >> look at that. >> it's like going to 7-eleven and buying a bundle of wood. >> this is what happens. >> now that you're all done pick up the whole pack of wood. >> then done. >> pull the chain off and -- >> can you do that with any wood not that i want to encourage people to cut trees down. yeah.
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>> because otherwise if you didn't have that it would fly everywhere. >> you hit it one time, that one goes that way, you spend more time chasing than splitting. >> it speeds it up. >> 12 pieces of wood in 12 seconds. >> you got some more wood to cut. >> i'll get busy. we'll get a fire going. >> how are you. >> now we are here with marisa lynch. you are an author of new dress a day. >> i'll show you how to make the easiest hand warmers. >> which ginger can use. >> i'm freezing all the time. so easy to keep you warm. you use oven bags which you might have left over from thanksgiving and take uncooked rice or beans and fill your oven bag with either/or, not both. whatever you have in your pantry or do a little mix, up to you. >> you can mix them. >> totally mix. >> you put them in your bag then you'll package up your bag just kind of fold it over like so. >> oh, w shg, wait. toss them into a sock.
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>> fun of it. >> you throw it into the tip of your sock, folds over the edge like so. you've got your hand warmer. toss in the microwave, 45 seconds and stays warm for 15 minutes. >> you can reuse them? that's beauty of it. cheaper than just -- >> you don't want to use dirty socks. >> you put it on your body. >> put them anywhere. >> yeah. >> friendly. >> you go through these like -- >> you can reuse them, throw them in the microwave. 45 seconds. then you keep it with you in your pocket. >> thank you so much. >> all right, guys. >> thank you. >> hack reporter. >> let's get back inside to george who is keeping piece and warm. >> best way to storm warm is stay inside counting down to "star wars" right now. "the force awakens" opens all over the world in just nine days. and abc's chris connelly sat down with one of the new stars, oscar isaac and what hfrd told him about flying in space. >> it happened a long time ago
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in a galaxy far, far away. that didn't keep oscar isaac from studying on set for director j.j. abrams "star wars: the force awakens," as poe dameron, ace x-wing pilot for the resistance. >> i saw a blueprint on my desk on the table. it listed everything that had been used, every button that had been used in the previous six flips in an x-wing so i knew what did what and which ones were free for me to imagine anything with. so it's an incredible amount of detail that goes into this universe. >> you might need this. >> reporter: asked harrison ford to share with him any fly guy insights. >> offered to even take me up with him but he did say, i was just making it up and it's in space so the rules don't really apply to piloting so, you know, you've got some room to make it up but i think i'll make it up then get a blueprint of exactly what i have to touch. which one is it here. >> reporter: even though sill prepared him for the shake and
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rattle that the role required. >> they take just the cockpit area and put it on a gimbal then they move that thing around all over the place. so the first time i was on there i was yelling and doing my thing and i got so sick because i was so hot and it was moving around, hi to stop and say, hole on, guy, i need to swallow my lunch for a second. >> reporter: acclaimed for his work as an spiring folk singer in "inside lew win davis" he served up a swinging duet on twitter with his "the force awakens" co-star daisy ridley to "baby it's cold outside ♪ ♪ this evening has been so -- >> she has an amazing voice and sings opera a little bit. she has a beautiful voice. >> reporter: daisy and the rest of the production even got to know oscar's uncle guillermo a "star wars" obsessive if well, i just was saying, you know, this is my uncle. he was the one that indoctrinated us in "star wars." so then when it came to set i introduced him to j.j. and j.j. said you're the uncle.
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want to be in the movie? he hence told me. i never mentioned it he said, oh, my god, yes, yes, they put him in the back in the scene between adam and i and when the trailer first came out i got a little picture where he had kind of circled this blur in the back and he's like, that's me! >> reporter: now oscar is looking forward to bringing his uncle and the rest of his relatives to the premiere of "star wars: the force awakens." >> i'm thrilled that i'm going to get to see it with that kind of energy in the room. >> reporter: for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. >> and we are getting close. "star wars: the force awakens" opens nationwide on friday, december 18th. let's go back sought jied to ginger. >> i'm standing in a line of texans they're all from the dallas area. we be talking about a storm affecting the plains here eventually but the storm this morning unfortunate news out of portland, oregon, i learned it tree into that home killed a woman so we will be having updates on that and that consistent storm coming in again tonight into tomorrow.
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so watch it move and it drops down into the plains so if you're going home saturday you may rung into some of those storms. heavy rain in the gulf and more know on the back side of that that would make it into the northern plains, northern great lakes. that's >> good morning. i am meteorologist mike nicco. it will be mainly gray with low-to-mid 60. light rain in the north bay. and along the coast south bay could see sunshine. my seven-day forecast shows a couple of storms tomorrow morning. again on >> all that weather brought to you by sprint. our friends, though, at abc family maybe you've seen this have been celebrating the 25 days of christmas with the ultimate holiday movie festival. now they're giving the ultimate gift to four one direction fanatics. not these folks behind me but with the help of the boys themselves take a look. ♪ better watch out not. >> abc family pop-up santa we're about to give four one direction fans the surprise of their life.
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they think they're coming to see our secret "gma" concert. >> we have the perfect way. >> they surprised us with makeovers. >> first time getting my makeup professionally done. >> that is going to be epic. you'll see one d's super surprise tonight on abc family throughout the showing of "elf" at 8:45, 7:45 central. my button is about to pop. >> you warned them. coming up next our holiday edition of i can't say it without lara's help. >> one, two, three. >> "improve this!." >> now your first look at the new trailer for the "bfg" based on the roald dahl book. take a look. >> it was the witching hour when people go missing.
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the girls say the wishing hour arrives at midnight. i think it comes when i'm the only one left awake, like always, like now. and that is where our story begins. ♪ and i've had some work done. in '62 they put in a conversation pit. brilliant.
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in '74 they got shag carpet. that poor dog. rico?! then they expanded my backside. ugh. so when the nest learning thermostat showed up, i thought "hmmm." but nest is different. keeps 'em comfy. and saves energy automatically. like that! i'm like a whole new house! nest. welcome to the magic of home. layover. 24 hours. hello, reykjavik. oh, so that's how you spell it. what are you looking at? oh, cool. hungry. fish, anyone? hello, seventh waterfall of the day. hello, duck boat. hello, sheep? oh right! itchy icelandic sweaters and no foreign transaction fees. sweet. one last look. ahh. triple points. and we're off. what's next? wherever the journey takes you, carry american express gold. it's more than a card. it's the gear that gets it done.
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♪ >> hurry up, sara. hurry up, rob. they just have a few seconds left to wrap up their amazing creations. but while they're wrapping that up we're going to give you a new edition of "improve this!" sponsored by lowe's decking the hall and i spy diy jenni radosevich is here with popular projects to help you spruce up your home in time for the holidays. talk about this fireplace. >> i love the idea of putting a fireplace in the house. insped of spending all that money to actually put in a chimney you can create this faux fireplace all over pinterest and a bunch of different ways to create it. this one we got the surround mantel from the hardware store. >> actually sell these premade or you can use a vintage one. >> i seem them awe the time at flea markets and pull them out of old houses and you can buy them for next to nothing. great way to recycle. >> adds character to a home. >> just because you don't have the actual hole in the wall, the
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f lch flue doesn't mean you can't create the look. >> we customized this, refinished wood in the front or brick or air stone is so light and you just adhere it. even if you don't like your current fireplace you could do in. >> faux stone. >> i don't know if it's made out of. >> air. >> that's one great look. what you've done is taken that and painted it white. but this i thought was a great idea so she took logs and cut them to two inches and glued them on a piece of plywood to create storage. if you did put it in front of a fireplace, you can use that to store or -- i love that. i think it's a very cool idea. >> or candles this there or chalk and look really good. >> you have some other projects here. i really like the send irblock as a present. >> looks great. >> look at that i don't know if you have any of these hanging around your garage or on --
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>> so good for outside. it won't move so you can spray it with glitter paint and then you can put a little stripe on it or a bow and -- >> a cute project to do with kids. >> how it looks when it's done. there you go. just wanted to make sure we were seeing it. i mean it could not be easier, just happens to be a great shape to use indoor. >> tell us about the wreath. >> along the lines of what sara and rob were doing who we should check on pretty soon. this is simply -- sara, come on in. yours is done. >> i feel like i brought a piece of art home to my mom and put it next to the picasso. >> beautiful, sara. nice job. >> how did these guys do? sara had to take her ornaments and pylon -- >> cones you can get at the hardware store and spray painted it and hot glued on all these ornaments and same thing for the wreath up here. >> how did sara do? a plus. >> "a" plus. >> was it easy? >> i'm really not crafty at all and although i could probably do
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better than this, it was super easy and really kind of fun. meditative. >> zone out and glue on ornaments. >> so, sara, did you deck rob's halls? that's what we want to know. did she beat rob marciano? >> rob rocked my christmas world. he put lights in these. >> i got the drill out. it wasn't that easy and much better with power which we don't have out here. >> chevy chase moment. >> all taking stuff you can find watt your local hardware store. pvc piping and spray printed it which creates the turn. this is ribbon then rob went the distance and actually drilled holes in it to create lights. >> got to use power tools. >> high-five to both of you. love you guys. jenni, always great ideas. we love your blog, check out more on our website on yahoo! coming up next on "gma," babyface performing live. don't go anywhere.
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♪ "gma's" "improve this!" ok, wehere's dad. mom.
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the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still need your signature. the volkswagen sign then drive event. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on a new jetta and other select models.
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babyface has set a musician's goal to make people feel good. 'about to do that for us right now. they don't trust me to be over there by you. they have me over here. the 11-time grammy winner is back and, boy, is he with "return of the tender lover." first album in seven years. here he is singing the first smash single "we've got love." ♪ ♪
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♪ whoo ♪ we done pain and sorrow we done been through change ♪ ♪ we done had way better days yes sir ♪ ♪ but i seen tomorrow i ain't see no rain and our sun's gonna shine again ♪ ♪ yes it is ♪ i been thinking about it ain't no way around it ♪ ♪ girl we've got something that the world just can't explain ♪ ♪ what's the one thing makes it always work out it's 'cause we got love love love love love ♪ ♪ if we got nothing else we got love ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ it's 'cause we got love love love love love at least that's
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something yes we got love ♪ >> come on, sing. ♪ and the world goes round and round round and round ♪ ♪ and the world goes round and round and the world goes round and round around in circles ♪ ♪ and the world goes round and round round and round ♪ ♪ and the world goes round and round and the world goes round and round around in circles ♪ >> come on, michael, play. ♪ whoo! ♪ >> go. ♪ >> come on, sing. ♪ i've been thinking about it ain't no way around it girl we got something that the world just can't explain ♪ ♪ oh yeah what's the one thing that makes it always work out ♪
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♪ what's that the one thing that makes it always work out ♪ ♪ it's 'cause we got love love love love love ♪ ♪ if we got nothing else we got love ♪ ♪ hey it's 'cause we got love love love love love ♪ ♪ at least that's something yes we got love ♪ ♪ come on ♪ da dum dum dum ♪ dum dum dum dum dum ♪ dum dum dum dum ♪ hey baby love ♪ dum dum dum dum dum dum hey ♪ dum dum dum dum dum
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♪ here we go hey [ cheers and applause ] >> whoo! whoo! what if the holidays were about people again? and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e, and not s-a-l-e. that's the world t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in. where there's no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on thoughtful gifts everyday. let's put more value on what really matters. this season, bring back the holidays.
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with t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods. ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ just you and i ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ and oh the best it could be ♪ just you and i ♪
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this doctor posted a video on how to stop a baby from
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crying and, boy, oh, boy, did it go viral. tomorrow he'll show you his magic on "gma." plus, "deals & steals" up to 71% off. now santa can't even touch that. tomorrow on abc's "good morning america." >> hit it, hit it. >> oh. ♪ >> ooh. >> yeah. >> do the stanky face. thank you, thank you, one and all. >> take care. come happy birthday. i just had a heart attack... and now i have a choice. for her. for them. and him. a choice to take brilinta. a prescription for people who've been hospitalized
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love and heartbreak. and covered california is there for it all. not just to help keep you well. but to make sure the cost of being unwell doesn't ruin this whole life thing. because it's more than just health care. it's life care.
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good morning. i'm kristen sze. 2kwe678ing news out of silicon valley. yahoo! announced it won't spin off its $30 billion stake in the chinese giant alibaba. the board plans to look at alternatives. the end result would be two separate publicly traded companies. about to open the store gates. economic it out with meteorologist mike nicco. >> a chance for storms, the north bay. may come down to san francisco and half moon bay during the lunch hour. the real deal, tomorrow morning and again sunday. storm impact scale still a two. sue? problems on the east shore freeway again this morning. westbound 80 at university. get out of the way. you can see the left lane is blocking numerous emergency crews. traffic stacked up quite a delay
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in the westbound direction of 80. more problems this morning. >> thank you. >> it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, republican presidential frontrunner, donald trump. and from "star wars: the force awakens," john boyega. plus, a performance from singer, songwriter chris isaak. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] and now, here are your emmy award-winning co-hosts, kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪ kelly: hi!


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